Information for all Members regarding the 2025 AGM
The 2025 Annual General Meeting of the Four-Wheel Drive Club of SA KZN Midlands will be held at THE VINTAGE SPORTS CAR CLUB, 120 Oribi Road, Bisley, Pietermaritzburg
At 17h30 for 18h00 on 21st March 2025
This is a great opportunity to voice your opinion and air your views. Your attendance, participation and nominations are
vital for the continued good health of YOUR club.
The AGM must be run in terms of the Club’s Constitution and to this end your attention is drawn to the following
provisions in the club’s constitution:
1. Any member may submit any notice for consideration at the AGM provided that it is submitted at least 14 days
(7th March 2025) before the AGM. Please submit to
2. Any paid-up club member may be nominated to the committee –the constitution allows for family membership
and thus, each family counts as one member.
3. The committee must consist of 5 office bearers (Chairman, Vice-chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Events Coordinator) and no more than 4 ordinary committee members.
4. Office bearers are elected for a 2-year term but may be re-elected provided they do not spend more than 4 years
in any one office and subject to point 7 below.
5. Ordinary committee members are elected for a 1-year period but may be re-elected subject to point 7 below.
6. The Chairman must have served on the committee for at least 1 year in the past 5 years.
7. Committee members may serve for a total of 6 consecutive years save by agreement at a club AGM.
8. Election of members shall be by secret ballot.
9. A Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Events Manager and Secretary must be elected at the AGM; this allows for
a maximum of 4 ‘ordinary’ members to be elected – particular portfolios may be allocated to them later.
The full constitution is available from the Club’s website (
The Constitution requires that nominations for the Committee must be signed by the PROPOSER, SECONDER & NOMINEE
and forwarded to the Chairman ( not less than 7 days before the AGM (14th March 2025).
E-mail nominations may be sent to the Treasurer as above provided that there must be:
1. An email from the NOMINEE stating that he/she accepts nomination for whatever POSITION
2. An email from the NOMINATOR stating that he/she nominates the NOMINEE for whatever POSITION.
3. An e-mail from the SECONDER stating that he/she seconds the nomination of the NOMINEE by the NOMINATOR
for whatever POSITION
The nomination form can be found on the club’s website
For those who cannot be at the AGM, you may complete a proxy form enabling someone else to vote on your behalf. The
proxy form can also be found on the club’s website; please forward to the Chairman as above.
Please ensure completed proxy forms are with the secretary at least 2 days before the AGM – i.e. on or before the 19th of March 2025.
If you have any concerns or queries, please contact Otto Kruger at
Please find the relevant documents below. To be updated shortly!